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Molten Gravity Liquid Filling Machine

In the realm of liquid filling machines, there are some machines that are made to work with molten products. Some products that are solid at room temperature need to be melted down before they can be filled into their containers, and there are special machines that allow for this to happen. Molten gravity liquid filling machines are one such piece of equipment, and are compatible with many different shapes and sizes of containers.


Types of Molten Products Used with Machinery

Many different products across a variety of industries rely on molten product filling systems in order to be packaged. For example, personal care products like glycerin soaps, deodorant, lip balm, and petroleum jelly all have to be held at a molten state in order to properly fill into their respective containers. Other products such as shoe polish and car wax also need to be melted before packaging. One benefit of using a gravity molten filler is that it is able to fill containers to a very precise level, wasting no product.

Space-Saving Alternatives

If you are interested in purchasing a molten liquid filling machine but are concerned about space in your facility, consider using a portable molten filling machine. This machine has the same capability to fill containers with melted liquids, but because it is portable, you can bring it anywhere in your warehouse or workspace to get the job done. It’s perfect if you’re just testing out a new line of products that require a molten product filling machine, or if you’ve just got a limited amount of space.

To learn more about molten product liquid filling machines, contact E-PAK today.